Early Q1 2025:
Launch $OPTIC token alongside OpticAI v1.0.
Begin collecting queries in PostgreSQL database and publishing weekly reports on user interests.
Partner with large key opinion leaders to promote visibility of the OpticAI project.
Mid Q1 2025:
Launch OpticAI v2.0 which includes advanced reviewing and analysis.
For instance an art reviewing agent that reviews the art based on strokes or color palette with in-house, extensive art database.
Partner with centralized exchanges to allow for greater exposure and increased trading of the $OPTIC token.
Late Q1 2025:
Mass adoption of advanced reviewing program, including the art agent. Not just accommodating web3, but IOS/Android app development to foster an inclusive AI and VQA environment considering current usage protocols.
Support VQA on more media types such as videos, PDFs.
Continue fostering interactive and engaged community.
Last updated